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How to create and manage Email Digests
How to create and manage Email Digests

Automatically monitor and share important changes in your data

Ryan Stuart avatar
Written by Ryan Stuart
Updated over a week ago

What is an email digest?

An email digest is an automated and scheduled recurring email that is sent to selected recipients, containing metrics, themes and other data from a specific dashboard.

What can it be used for?

Email digests can be a useful way to keep specific individuals or teams informed about relevant themes, segments, or metrics. Some common use cases:

Early Warning System

The Detect Theme Outliers section of the digest can be setup to monitor frequency of Themes across all data, or a specific segment using Dashboard Filters, allowing you to spot when the occurrence of a theme begins to deviate significantly from its normal range.

High Level Performance Monitoring

A weekly digest could monitor topline metrics and the corresponding change in that metric across themes to show the trend in performance according to a key metric over time.

​Monitor Individual Product Categories or Customer Segments

If you have custom dashboards that filter data by product category, you could create a weekly digest for each dashboard and send it to the corresponding category manager. This would provide them with a regular at-a-glance report on relevant data and insights.

How to create an email digest

πŸ”’ To create an email digest you must be an Admin or Creator user.

Navigate to the dashboard you want to create a digest for, and select DIGESTS:

Select 'Create email digest':

Digests will be based on the dashboard data, including any filters applied (excluding dates). This enables you to create very specific email digests presenting filtered metrics or themes for specific audiences based on the custom dashboards you have configured.

Each dashboard can have one or multiple digests, each with different content and recipients.

There are 3 steps to creating an email digest

Step 1: Content

Digests are designed to be flexible and modular, enabling you to make the email as simple or as complex as you wish.

Your digest will be constructed using sections. You can turn on the sections and then configure them as required:

Each section will be slightly different to configure. And the options available will be informed by the data within your dashboard.

Monitor Key Metrics

This section allows you to track the changes in key metrics such as NPS, CSAT or other numerical fields over time. Once you have ticked this section on, you can select which metric you want to track in the email digest. You can add as many metrics as you like.

The selected metrics will be displayed in a simplified bar chart format that shows the values for the most recent week (or other time period) and the week, 12 weeks prior. The interceding weeks are indicated by the bar heights

The other values shown are:

  • 4 week (or other time period) average of the metric

  • 12 week average of the metric

  • week on week change, which is simply the net change between the most recent week and the week before that

Monitor Sentiment

This section allows you to track the change in sentiment across individual sentiment categories over time. If you have sentiment enabled on your project, this is a simple on/off. There are no further settings.

Sentiment tracking works similarly to tracking key metrics, where each sentiment category is shown individually in a simple bar chart. The values are shown for the most recent week (or other time period) and the one 12 weeks prior.

Monitor Themes

This section allows you to track the change in themes over time for a given metric. Firstly, select which metric you want to report the themes on. You can only choose one metric. Secondly, select which themes you want displayed in your digest. You can choose one, or multiple themes:

Highlight Outliers

The Monitor Themes section in your email digest has the option to Highlight Outliers. When this is selected Themes will be highlighted if they significantly deviate from the recent average according to whichever metric you have selected.

The recent average will be determined by the time period you have selected. In the below example, weekly time intervals have been selected, so we use the 12-week average.

How outliers are detected

The outlier strength is determined by the number of standard deviations greater or less than the average for a particular Theme's most recent value:

  • Moderate; > 2 standard deviations, 4.55% occurrence in normally distributed data

  • Strong; > 3 standard deviations, 0.27% occurrence in normally distributed data

  • Very Strong; > 4 standard deviations, 0.05% occurrence in normally distributed data

Note: Outlier detection is only applied to Themes that have at least 50 occurrences across the time period used to determine the average value.

Monitor Theme Groups

This section allows you to track the change in theme groups over time for a given metric, and can be configured similarly to Monitor Themes.

Detect Theme Outliers

This section automatically detects and shows theme outliers for a chosen metric. To enable it, you will need to choose a metric to detect significant change in. The approach to detecting outliers in this section works similarly to the Monitor Themes section.

By default it only shows themes that were detected as outliers for the most recent week (or other time period). This can be changed by disabling the Only include significant changes toggle, which will alter the section to always display the top 5 themes by change, even if the change was not detected as significant.

In addition, it provides the option to include an AI generated summary of the Theme during the associated time period as well as sample verbatims.

The resultant output includes three values:

  • Last Week - The most recent week (or other time period) of data

  • Change since 2 weeks ago - The difference between the most recent week (or other time period) and the week before that

  • Change from 12 week average - The difference between the most recent week (or other time period) and the 12 week average

In addition it will include the Summary and Sample Verbatims sections if enabled.

Show Verbatims

This section shows a sample of verbatims for recent data. When you enable it you'll need to select a number of verbatims to display as well as a set of Themes to show samples for. You can also choose to include an AI generated summary.

Monitor Segments

This section allows you to track the change in specific segments over time for a chosen metric. Firstly, select which metric you want to report the custom segment on. You can only choose one metric. Secondly, select which field you want displayed in your digest. You can choose one or multiple themes. Finally, select which segments you want displayed for that field. You can choose one or multiple segments.

Additional Sections

You can add more sections by clicking "ADD SECTION" at the bottom of the Content tab. This will allow you to add a Monitor Themes or Monitor Segments section.

Disabling a Section

To disable a section, you can simply untick it for it to be removed from the email digest.

Step 2: Preview

This enables you to see a preview of what the digest will look like. Note that the preview is based on the data on the current date, as if the digest was sent at the time you are previewing. So the data & dates will change depending on the selected day of the digest sending. Depending on the size of your dataset, the real-data preview may take some time to load.

Step 3: Settings

This is where you configure the various settings of the email digest such as the subject line of the email, recipients, send frequency, and more. Details of each setting are outlined below.

Subject Line:

The subject line that will display on the email in your recipients inbox.

Description (optional):

This will display in the email digest. This can be used to provide more context for what data is within the digest.


Enter an email and select 'Add recipient' or hit Enter on your keyboard.

Repeat this process for each recipient you want to receive the digest.

Recipients do not need to have a Kapiche login.

Recipients will be able to unsubscribe via a link in the footer of the email they receive. If they unsubscribe they will no longer display in the list of recipients


Choose between weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly. The email digest will send once a week, two weeks, month, or three months respectively.

Weekly & fortnightly is allows fine-tune control over both the day to send & time to send.

Monthly is designed to keep it simple and send on the first day of the month. You can still choose the time. The first email digest will be sent on the 1st day of the next month, and on the 1st day each month thereafter.

Quarterly is designed to keep it simple and send on the first day of each standard calendar quarter. You can still choose the time. The first email digest will be sent on the 1st day of the next standard calendar quarter, and on the 1st day of every 3rd month thereafter. e.g. a digest created on the 3rd February 2023 will trigger its first digest send on the 1st April 2023, and then on the 1st July, 1st Sep, 1st Jan, and so on.


Choose which timezone the time represents. All recipients are sent the digest at the same time. This setting simply enables you to choose which timezone the time corresponds to. For example, a digest configure to send at 10am in GMT+10 timezone (e.g. Brisbane, Australia), will send at 10am for recipients based in Brisbane; but will send at 4pm the previous day for recipients based in San Francisco UTC-7.

Manage your digests

Created digests will list in the 'Manage email digests' screen, where you can edit or delete a digest

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